Research Based Proven Detection Canine Services for Your School, Business, and Law Enforcement. We even offer an Opportunity for Graduate Students Who Desire the Experience of Handling a Drug Dog on Real World Deployments.
All Teams are Scientifically Tested and Validated Canine / Handler Teams
We serve all types of Educational Institutions including Public and Private K - 12 Schools, Vocational Schools,
Training Centers, and Universities / Colleges using educationalprograms.
Medical / Mobility Assistance Dog Training
Victim / Court / Public Defender Support Services
Canine Advocacy Charities
Law Enforcement K9 Training and Response
Multi-discipline Canine Reliability Improvement
Child Advocacy /Charities
Would you like to know more about our time tested and proven abilities?
Call Us! 877.595.6697
All of our school clients, new and old combined,
have utilized our services an average of 16 years.
All of our business clients, new and old combined,
have utilized our services an average of 9 years.
"Canine Olfaction Science and Law: Advances in Forensic Science,
Medicine, Conservation, and Environmental Remediation"
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